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White Glove Car Wash, Oil Change and Auto Body Rep: - White Glove Car Wash is located in Chicago, Illinois and features a full service car cash, oil change service and an auto body repair and detailing shop.

White House Presidential Limousines: - More than 60 years of famous White House Presidential Limousines caught on video, including the Blue Lincoln Continental in which J.F.K was killed, on November 22, 1963.

Wolf Steel Restorations: - Classic Alfa Romeo, Volvo, or Jaguar steel body replacement panels! These guys make some patch panels that no one else does.

WorldsBestCollectibles.com: - WorldsBestCollectibles.com is a gallery of the world's rarest and most desirable collector vehicles on the market. The site features only the finest rare classic cars, sports cars, muscle cars, exotic cars, and motorcycles.

Wrecked Exotics!: - It's enough to make a grown man cry!

XK Club - International Jaguar Club: - XK Club - the international mecca for all Jaguar XK owners and enthusiasts. Online Jaguar XK magazine.

Zarattini Classic Motor: - The Italian 'free classifieds' site for Classic Cars. The site is in Italian, you may want to use http://translator.go.com/ to translate it.

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