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Buy Classic Cars.com is a unique, highly specialized, and focused Web site. It's sole purpose is to help people who are ready to buy a Classic, Exotic or Specialty car.

By combining the look and feel of a 'Magazine', with the content of a well edited 'Directory', and making it as easy to use as any link 'Portal', we have created an invaluable resource for our visitors to use time and time again.

To further focus our audience, and better serve the needs of our advertisers, we purposely put little on the site of interest to kids, you'll find no 'chat rooms', 'glossy photo galleries' or things of that sort. We attract serious buyers of Classic and Specialty cars almost exclusively - by advertising on the site, you will be introduced to these visitors at the START of their buying process when the money is still in their pockets!

It's a fact that Web sites which center on a very narrow theme or idea create visitors of greater interest, and moreover 'leads' that are much more pre-qualified and apt to buy.

Consider this: When you narrow down your message and focus on a niche, visitors who see your advertisement and respond will already be 50% sold the minute they hit your site's first page! They want what you are selling, that's why they are there!  Then, it is up to your web sites content to take them through the remaining 50% and close the sale.

Niche marketing on the Web is particularly important these days since people typically don't take the time to sift through an entire site, (let alone pages of search engine results) to find exactly what they are looking for. However, once they find a site that appears to have the information they seek, these visitors are inclined to surf deeper than the first page, and therefore will likely see your advert more often - increasing the chance of a sale!

To demonstrate how buyers attitudes are changing with regard to automotive related purchases on the web, take a look at the results of this recent MSNBC poll of 5000 people.

How would you describe your last experience buying a car from a Dealer?
45% A big hassle
27% Frustrating, but just part of the process
18% Mostly positive

Have you ever bought a car online?
6% Yes
94% No

Would you consider buying a car online?
83% Yes
17% No


Launched in the Summer of '99, the www.BuyClassicCars.com web site is marketed heavily in over seventy countries around the world, including Canada, and of course the United States. We focus our marketing efforts on major Collector Car auction events coast to coast as well as key International Classic and Specialty car events, like the 'Paris Retromobile' Show, 'Techno Classica' in Essen, Germany, the Goodwood Festival of Speed, 'Laguna Seca Historics' and 'Pebble Beach' CA to name a few. If you are new to Internet advertising and think you would like to try our site, we suggest you begin by clicking here. It explains the difference 'Hits', 'Page Views' and 'Unique Visitors'. This is important information, which you need to know.

Experienced marketers can use our flexible banner advertising & promotional programs to build awareness, promote products & services, generate inquiries and quickly drive traffic to their web sites.  Buyer Services International LLC takes an up front approach to advertising and we're not afraid to publish our prices on the Web. Our ad programs are supported by a custom ad management system which enables us to guarantee results. We can also provide you with on-line, real-time, password protected stats, which our advertisers can access 24 hours a day! No guesswork or hassles, just honest banner impressions at an affordable price!

Like you, we are a business, and we understand all too well your need to get the "biggest bang for your advertising buck"! What we propose is that you just try our site. Start with our smallest campaign of say 500 'click-thru' banner impressions. This means your advertising banner will be randomly selected from a folder on our server and displayed at the top of EVERY page of the site infinite times, until 500 visitors to our site, have been redirected to yours. The cost is just $500 and that includes our Graphics department designing and creating your first banner FREE! That's a $100 value!

Once your banner is up on the site, we will issue you a User/ID and password, that when entered as instructed, will allow you at ANYTIME to see how many people have seen your banner on our site, and of those, how many have been delivered to 'YOUR BUSINESS' as result of your advertising! There is no guess work; you will know EXACTLY how effective your advertising dollars have been spent. Our site is currently visited by over 10,000 people every week! That's 10,000+ Classic & Specialty car buyers EVERY WEEK! To put it another way, one new person visits our site every minute of every hour all day and night, day in day out. There's NO WASTE, as we only attract people interested in buying these types of cars, each is a potential customer for you!"

General 'Impression' Banners:
For general 'Name Recognition' choose this Monthly account option. These banners rotate randomly throughout the www.BuyClassicCars.com web site, with each query performed. If a visitor 'clicks' on your banner, they will of course be redirected to your site.

  • Buy 1 Months advertising @ $200.00  
  • Buy 6 Months advertising upfront and get one month free! @ $1000.00
  • Buy 12 Months advertising upfront and get three months free! @ $1800.00

Special: Try this 'Starter Package' for just $200 you'll get a month of banner impressions, and your first banner designed and created FREE!

Want GUARANTEED traffic? - Read on

GUARANTEED or 'Click-thru' Banners (our most popular) If general 'Name Recognition' is not what you want, you may decide to choose our 'click-thru' option. With the 'click-thru' style banner option, your banner advertisement will be randomly displayed throughout the www.BuyClassicCars.com site, until your banner has been clicked on, your set purchased amount of click-thrus. This is a very popular option, because you are GUARANTEED how many customers will visit your site, as a result of you placing this advert!

It's simple! If you want 1000 customers, buy 1000 'Click-thrus'!

  • 5,000 Click-thrus for $2,500.00; $0.50 per Click-thru

  • 2,000 Click-thrus for $1,280.00; $0.64 per Click-thru

  • 1,000 Click-thrus for $750.00; $0.75 per Click-thru

Special: Try this 'Starter Package' for just $500 you'll get unlimited banner impressions, until 500 of our visitors have been redirected to YOUR web site! PLUS your first banner designed and created FREE!

Advertising Specifications:
  • Ads are placed daily Monday - Friday

  • GIF formatted banners, 11Kb or under, 468 pixels wide x 60 pixels high

  • Animated ads accepted with Buyer Services International's approval. 7 loops maximum!

  • Banner size specifications are compliant with IAB/Casie standards.

  • Buyer Services International reserves the right to refuse any banner we deem inappropriate or contrary to our corporate mission.

Advertising Rates -- US Dollars: All rates are net and subject to change without notice.

We accept Visa, MC, Amex, and Discover

Payment Options: Buyer Services International accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover Card, Checks, and Money Orders. Payment is to be in (US) Dollars and is required before any banner will be displayed.  All you need do to begin advertising on www.BuyClassicCars.com, is fill out this simple and secure
Advertising Insertion Order Form, or download the printable version and fax it to us at (860) 423-6260.

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