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The Mistress Articles
A Tale of Two Truckers...
A Tale of Two Truckers...
Why shopping for trucking companies to move your car based on price, is a really bad idea.

I can't tell how many times (having bought a prized classic car long distance) buyers foolishly start shopping for transport companies to deliver it to their home, with their primary concern being " how cheaply can I get it moved?"    [Full Story]

Are all Australians this Crazy?
I swear, in the 25 years I’ve been doing this I think I've seen it all and then the phone rings ...  [Full Story]
Ten Sacred rules to Safely Buying a Car Long-Distance
The top ten things every buyer should do before contemplating a long-distance purchase.  [Full Story]
Scammers on eBay! and Other Auction Sites
How to avoid getting ripped off.  [Full Story]
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